Putting You in Control

Class 4 Fusion let’s you control CPS and Channel Limit from Client/Carrier to Trunk down to ANI/DNIS granularity. With Class 4 Fusion your traffic is in your control.

Close Control

Fusion is the only Class 4 switch that lets you control CPS and Channel Limit in anyway you can image. Take control of your traffic, take control of your business, take control of your growth.

Trunk Level Control

You can control how much CPS and channel each trunk can process at any single point in time.

Client/Vendor Level Control

Each Client / Vendor can have different CPS and Channel capacity assigned.

IP Level Control

We let you specify time-of-day capacity limit for each individual IP.

ANI/DNIS Level Control

You can specify a channel limit for each ANI and DNIS.

Beyond Simple Limiting

We also handle automatic failover and reporting.

Automatic Failover

Class 4 always initiates failover of your traffic to the next vendors in case a vendor trunk is over capacity.

Clear Reporting

For each call that is rejected due to capacity limit will be clearly labelled in the CDR.


You can see both the live traffic and Out of capacity traffic in one place.

Class 4 Fusion: Giving you the power and the Freedom to Focus on what Matters Most: Customers and Revenue.

How do we create amazing Class 4 switches?

We put our customers first as we strive to offer the best solutions, design and service. We are here to help you develop the business you desire.

Terminate more traffic with less horse power

Class 4 Fusion is highly optimized to terminate high thorughput and high concurrent ports of traffic.

Capable of thousands of CPU
Easily support 10K channels
Unlimited Rate Decks and Routing
Client Limits
Carrier Limits

Minimize PDD in your network, thus improve network efficiency

We specialized in developing high performance algorithmic searching at maximum speed. No matter how many calls you are handling, we can process them in less than 100ms.

All business components are tightly integrated, reduce error and time

You don’t need to put together different software to fulfill your business operational goal because everything from billing to monitoring is integrated in Class 4 Fusion.

Rate Generation

You are protected from all sort of attacks

Our development team has over 15 years of telcom experience and we have seen all possible attacks and have developed methods to mitigate them.

Fraud Detection

Class4 Fusion can suspend any trunk automically when there is suspicious usage

Portal Access Whitelist

Your web portal is protected by IP whitelisting

Blocking of Ddos

Class 4 Fusion can sustain very high throughput of SIP Ddos attack so your good traffic is not affected.